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Syndicated Previews Finds Three New Homes

FirstLook (www.firstlook.com), a streaming media content and technology solutions provider, signed on with Microsoft WindowsMedia.com, InfoSpace, and Tribune, to distribute its library of video and audio previews of movies, DVDs, video games, music and TV shows.

Under the agreement, Microsoft will showcase FirstLook as a featured provider of streaming video and audio content at WindowsMedia.com.

FirstLook also entered into a strategic broadband agreement with InfoSpace, a provider of cross-platform merchant and consumer infrastructure services on wireless, broadband and narrowband platforms, to integrate FirstLook's previews into InfoSpace's broadband platform of services.

Under the agreement with Tribune, FirstLook will provide streaming feature film trailers to accompany online film reviews in the Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and New York's Newsday, among others.

"Consumer demand for Hollywood content continues to rise as does the need for outsourced solutions that don't require additional staff of technology resources to maintain, '' states Rand Bleimeister, FirstLook founder and CEO in a statement.

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